Lake: Private Pond
Weather: Partly Cloudy, Very Windy
Temperature: 71 Degrees
Barometer: 29.82 Fallling
Water Temp: Just above freezing since the lake just thawed.
Water Depth: 1-4 ft
Water Clarity: Murky
Time of Day: 1:30pm
Style: Shoreline Fishing
Lure: 1/4 oz jig chartreuse
Presentation: Slow rolling retrieve.
What an incredible afternoon in Indiana. Super warm, super windy. Ahh, what more can a fisherman wish for? I know you're probably getting tired of seeing this tiny little ole jig picture, but when something works, I stick with it and did it ever work today. Wow, what a great time! I may have to go back out and try my luck some more yet today.
Fish Caught: 8 Largemouth Bass, 1 Bluegill
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