Sunday, July 18, 2010
"Sunday Morning with B" ~ by Brian Hanson
So I woke this morning yearning for something to do,
I checked the weather site, and saw a front moving through.
I grabbed my rods, my reels and some stinky spray on lure goo,
I even grabbed by bestest old girlfriend, you know her, name of Lu.
Away with the boat we flew, thinking for sure it was a lock,
I launched the boat and got a rock in my croc.
The lake sure is pretty, believe its called Bird Dog,
bastage has tons of lily pads, clear water, even logs.
Lu caught first fish, white spinner bait, it was, landed a bass
I kept on changing lures, feeling more and more like an ass.
The storm blew closer, Lu kept saying lets get out,
Not catching any fish, I kept trying without doubt.
The clouds grew dark, the sky growling even lightning some struck,
Lu said, Alright, that's enough. Let me out, I'll watch from the truck.
So, we called it a day. As we left Lu feeling like a hero
as the final score for the tour, was Lu one, Brian zero.
Brian Hanson
July 2010
Monday, May 11, 2009
Unsatisfied with Gander Mountain and Pflueger
In October of 2007 I purchased a Pflueger Patriarch bait cast reel model Patriarch71WLP (Retail $200). Using the reel for the first few months I was blown away about the quality and feel of this reel.
In June of 2008, my Pflueger started acting funny and not properly functioning. The line guide pawl had gotten wore out and was no longer properly taking in line. I phoned Pflueger and they they told me they had just moved offices and a replacement part would take upwards of 4 months. Unsatisfied with this response, I phoned up Gander Mountain and spoke with a manager. He told me "Gander Mountain stands behind all its products" and they would replace any item defective without question if still warranted. I did just that. Got a replacement no questions asked from Gander Mountain.
Totally satisified with my experience at Gander Mountain, I referred several of my friends to be sure to purchase ALL their fishing equipment from this company because they really rocked in service! In fact, a good friend had no idea about Gander Mountain and wanted the exact model reel I had purchased for himself.
Yesterday, I went fishing. Suddenly my Pflueger reel started acting the exact same way! AGAIN, the line guide pawl was damaged and not properly functioning. Frustrated, I phone Gander Mountain again, who told me, "sure, come on in and we will take care of you". I arrived at Gander Mountain, spoke with the service desk who told me to go pick a different reel, but that if there was a price difference, no refund would be given for the difference. I was ok with this since it had been awhile since they had replaced the first defective reel. After looking around, I found a satisfactory replacement and headed for the service desk. There I was met by the "Fishing Manager" who told me they could not replace the reel and I should just contact Pflueger. After a heated debate, the manager would not budge and told me I was "out of luck".
I still have my receipt from the original purchase and replacement receipt. The manager said "Hey, we helped you once, this time its up to someone else". I was flabbergasted! What? You helped me once and now its up to someone else? I explained the replacement was still under warranty and I had all my original receipts. No response from the manager. This does not sit well with me at ALL!
Keep in mind, I am an avid fisherman who takes immaculate care of all my equipment. Especially $200 reels! Companies who are pawning off defective merchandise without any care for their customers must come to an end! Lets show Gander Mountain and their corporate headquarters what social media can and will do! I recommend EVERYONE to stop shopping at Gander Mountain, since they no longer stand behind their products and apparently now change their policies on a "per customer" basis.
Also, I normally purchase ALL of my tackle and equipment from Gander Mountain, but will no longer after this experience. I also learned that Gander Mountain has also changed their policy on their "lifetime" warranty on THEIR brand of rods. I was shopping there one day looking for an "Ugle Stick" lifetime warrantied rod, then the salesman told me, "Get Gander Mountain" brand, they are guaranteed for life and much cheaper"! I was sold! I have now learned that Gander Mountain has since changed their policy on their brand of rods to 2 years. Since mine had broken twice in 2 years, once the tip snapped off and the other the rod eye tip covering completely fell out. Now, they are obviously not keeping their word on their brand as well.
Fisherman UNITE and stand strong! Defective merchandise and policies based on their profit margins, MUST COME TO AN END! DO NOT SHOP AT GANDER MOUNTAIN!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Southern Indiana was recently hit by a severe ice storm that ripped across the central United States leaving our area in ruins. Many houses and building have severe damage and thousands of trees are down. Tens of thousands were left without power or water. Sub zero temperatures have frozen just about every lake around. Just to give an idea about how bad is was here is a photo of our backyard...
There is good news beyond the mess! Warmer temperatures have arrived and the ice is melting quickly. My lake in the yard has thawed and I can't wait to get out there and get my line wet. On Groundhog Day, unfortunately Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicts another 6 weeks of winter. I, myself, am ready for spring! Since the lakes are thawing I will soon be back in action, bringing you the best of "For the Love of Fishing". Till then...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Knots, Knots and More Knots
Knots for Hooks, Lures and Rigs
These knots are tested and proven to offer at least 90 percent of the original line strength when tying tackle (lures, swivels, sinkers, bobbers, etc.) to a line.
You don't have to learn all of them. But sometimes learning a complicated knot can be challenging and rewarding. On the other hand, learn the ones you're comfortable with to enjoy your hobby.
Improved Clinch Knot

The improved clinch knot is a knot that is used for securing a fishing line to the fishing lure, but can also affix fishing line to a swivel, clip, or artificial fly.
It offers up to 95 percent of the original line strength. The key is to make five turns of the tag end around the standing end before running the tag end back through the formed loop.
As always, start with plenty of line. This knot is fairly quick and easy to tie and really popular. Use for lines up to 20-pound test.
Palomar Knot

This knot is good for all kinds of light fishing lines (especially braid which will not pull out of this knot) and retains much of the original line strength.
Over 95 percent in strength, the Palomar knot is good for lines up to and over 20-pound test. Because it's double-run through the lure or hook eye, knotted, and then looped over the hook or lure, it may tangle easier. But it's still a favorite knot of many anglers.
Indiana Fishing Report
Lake: Private Pond
Weather: Partly Cloudy, Very Windy
Temperature: 71 Degrees
Barometer: 29.82 Fallling
Water Temp: Just above freezing since the lake just thawed.
Water Depth: 1-4 ft
Water Clarity: Murky
Time of Day: 1:30pm
Style: Shoreline Fishing
Lure: 1/4 oz jig chartreuse
Presentation: Slow rolling retrieve.
What an incredible afternoon in Indiana. Super warm, super windy. Ahh, what more can a fisherman wish for? I know you're probably getting tired of seeing this tiny little ole jig picture, but when something works, I stick with it and did it ever work today. Wow, what a great time! I may have to go back out and try my luck some more yet today.
Fish Caught: 8 Largemouth Bass, 1 Bluegill